giovedì 26 marzo 2015

More on the Cambridge English Scale and your Key exam

Here is a visual giving some information about scores for the Cambridge English Key exam, using the Cambridge English Scale.

To give you an idea, the former PASS mark for Cambridge English Key was 70%; on the new Scale, this is now 120.

If you have any further questions, we can talk about them in class.

domenica 22 marzo 2015

Listening challenge from the BBC

{LISTENING practice}

Do you want a listening challenge?

Try this podcast from the BBC.

Before you listen, read this article and think about some of the vocabulary you will hear.

Listen to the podcast. Some parts might be difficult, so you can listen another time if you like. You will hear the word "survey". You can check the definition and pronunciation here.

Try not to read the text of the podcast first. Listen a few times and then check your understanding with the text.

In class we can talk about how important "body image" is in your country, for men and women.

Cambridge KEY Vocabulary Topic Lists - Appliances


Here is your first, very easy vocabulary challenge.

You'll find the challenge on Quizlet.

You don't need to log in.
Just follow the link and start playing, erm, I mean learning!

See you in class.

Happy birthday!

Many happy returns to our coursemate, Turi.

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We hope you have a great birthday!

Help with vocabulary


Here is a list of vocbulary that learners are expected to know and use at Cambridge English Key level.

The document is in pdf and is 29 pages long so you might want to download it to your device, rather than print it out.

There is a section on Topics (Appendix 2, p. 22-29) that you will find very useful.

I will be setting you some challenges connected with the Topic Lists during the next few weeks!

See you in class.

giovedì 12 marzo 2015

Movie Night - UPDATE


There is a new date for the Movie Night!

It is now scheduled for Wednesday, 25th March.

domenica 8 marzo 2015

More listening practice

Here is another Listening practice task from Objective Key.

First, you need to get a copy of the questions. (Or you can use the image below.)

Next, you need to listen to this audio track so you can answer the questions.
Try to listen to the track no more than two times.

You can write your answers in the comments below, if you like.

Some A2 practice exercises

Here are some Cambridge English: Key practice exercises.

If you like, you can write your answers in the comments below.
Or, if you prefer, you can write your answers in your notebook.

The source of the exerises is Objective Key Teacher's Resources CD-ROM (c) Cambridge University Press.

<<<Practice Exercises 1>>>

<<<Practice Exercises 2>>>

<<<Practice Exercises 3>>

See you in class.

Confused about what your Cambridge English results mean?

Take a look at this post about the Cambridge English Scale to learn more about Cambridge English grades.

domenica 1 marzo 2015

More Listening practice

Here is another KET Listening practice exercise from Cambridge English (

This exercise is for Listening Part 2, which is a matching activity.

The audio track is here.

(If the track doesn't PLAY or start automatically, you can always download it.)

Here are the instructions and the questions:

If you like, you can write your answers in the comments below.